Zugara Featured In Mashable’s Augmented Reality Fitting Room Article

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Mashable recently featured Zugara in an article entitled, “When Will AR Replace The Fitting Room?” In the article, Mashable features Zugara’s Virtual Style Sense Technology (VSS) and reviews some of the current challenges of Augmented Reality-based Virtual Dressing Rooms (or Fitting Rooms).  While 3D based Virtual Dressing Rooms have a great future (and something Zugara has been working on for awhile), we’ve outlined in the past the problems with using current 3D models and Augmented Reality for the in-store dressing room experience.  In summary:

  • 3D models are not currently a scalable solution for retailers nor are they cost effective.
  • Current 3D camera technology cannot accurately replicate fit or ‘tactile feedback’ – especially
    while in-store where you’re a few feet away from trying the garment on.

What also hasn’t helped with the adoption of 3D Augmented Reality-based Virtual Dressing Rooms are the conceptual videos companies release that don’t match up to the currently realities of the technology or product.  This has setup misguided expectations with both consumers and retailers. Until companies focus on how to drive ROI for retailers with technology that’s available today, retailers will just continue to wait on a conceptual driven future of Virtual Dressing Rooms that might or might not arrive…