Zugara Augmented Reality Patent and Technology to be Featured at Smithsonian Innovation Festival

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Zugara is happy to announce that we were 1 of 13 companies selected by the USPTO to participate in the upcoming Smithsonian Innovation Festival.  The festival will be held on September 26 & 27 and is a collaboration between the Smithsonian and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

The Innovation Festival highlights inventors and invention and ...

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MLB.com Utilizes Virtual Mirrors To Promote All-Star Game Apparel

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With the Major League Baseball (MLB) All-Star break in full-swing, MLB.com and Aramark leveraged multiple Virtual Mirror stations to promote All-Star Game apparel.  Each Virtual Mirror station features Zugara’s WSS for Kiosks Virtual Dressing Room software with Kinect 2 cameras.

Aramark and MLB Virtual Dressing Room

Visitors to the MLB.com store at the All-Star Fan Fest ...

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