Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Investment Growing…Finally

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Recent news from Digi-Capital showed that in the 1st quarter of 2016, investment in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality grew to $1.1 billion ( compared to $700m total in 2015).  As we’ve noted in the past, investment in Augmented Reality has been particularly slow in comparison to other technologies on the Gartner Hype ...

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Zugara Selected As Initial HoloLens Developer

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HoloLens Device

We are pleased to announce that Zugara has been selected as an initial HoloLens developer.  Zugara was selected as part of the first limited release of Microsoft HoloLens units to the developer community.

We have posted HoloLens news on the Zugara blog before here.  Hololens is a next generation Augmented Reality headset from Microsoft that ...

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