Do You Think Mobile Augmented Reality Will Be A $1.5 billion Industry by 2015?

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So, Juniper Research just issued a report that “predicts global revenues from (mobile) augmented reality applications and services will approach $1.5 billion by 2015.” And I wanted to see what you guys thought about that number… Does it sound accurate? Is it way off (in either direction)? What’s going to drive that revenue? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

For the record, my official answer is: WTF??? By 2015? How?

That is a gigantic number, ...

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Mobile Augmented Reality Overhyped; More Opportunity With Web & Kiosk AR; Great Potential For E-Commerce – Forrester

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The blog post below initially ran on AdAge last Friday, January 28th and you can view the actual post here.  It’s no secret how we feel about the current crop of Mobile AR apps being overhyped to the point they’ll damage credibility for the entire AR industry, but read below and let us know your own thoughts on whether or not you agree…at least we’re content knowing Forrester Research ...

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Visualize The Smartphone App Hype

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Smartphone apps – particularly for Android and iPhone – are the darlings of agency and marketer’s interactive marketing initiatives.  I won’t go into a long list of why developing only for the Android and iPhone platforms is limiting the reach of your mobile initiative and will just let the graphic below speak for itself. By eyeballing the graphic, Android and iPhone subscribers equate to about 30 million U.S. mobile users. That’s leaving behind 262.8 million U.S. mobile ...

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What Can Marketers Expect at CES 2011?

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I recently created an op-ed for Adage called CES 2011: Welcome To The Year of Tablets and Digital Living Rooms which you can view here.  This is a preview of what to expect at CES and how marketers might be able to leverage certain technologies unveiled at the annual electronics show.  You can also read on below…

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2011 is almost upon us and like all gadget-obsessed technorati, half the excitement ...

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The New Zugara – Augmented Reality Software Developer

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Since we were founded in 2001, Zugara has always focused on emerging media and technology in the Interactive Marketing and Advertising industries.  Throughout those years, we continually developed initiatives and innovations in some of our core areas of expertise – social media, web, interactive video and mobile.  However, in 2008, it became apparent that the digital ecosystem was continuing to fragment and that it was getting increasingly ...

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Dorito's Crash The Superbowl Contest – Crowdsourcing Done Right…

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Crowdsourcing has become a trend in advertising and marketing circles and we’ve voiced our thoughts on it before.  So it was great to finally see a crowdsourcing competition that actually had a prize comparable to the effort involved.   This is Dorito’s “Crash The Superbowl Effort” with 5 finalists competing for $5 million dollars.  You can view and vote for entries on the site though be prepared for the early 2000’s ‘flash ...

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What's New in Mobile Marketing – 1/6/2010

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