Augmented Reality Finally Gaining Traction – WSJ

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Rocket Ship Launching

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article entitled, “Augmented Reality Finally Starts To Gain Traction” (Log In required). I would go a bit further and say that AR is ready to take off. The article is a great read on recent traction of AR on mobile devices, in the automotive segment, ...

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Samsung, Nordstrom and Zugara Debut Virtual Style Sense Technology at NRF’s Big Show

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Zugara’s 2014 started off with a bang with the recent debut of our new in-store virtual dressing room technology called Virtual Style Sense (VSS).  Partnering with Samsung and Nordstrom, Zugara showcased VSS Virtual Dressing Room technology at the recent National Retail Federation conference in New York.  In short, VSS was a huge hit both in the Samsung booth and with attending retailers. You can read more about the event through Samsung’s peress release Continue Reading →


Webcam Social Shopper For Kiosks – Now Available

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Over the past few years, we’ve had an increasing amount of inquiries for a Kiosk version of our award-winning Webcam Social Shopper (WSS) software.  Many brands and retailers have requested a version of our software optimized for use at events, OOH displays, conferences and more.

We’re pleased to announce that our WSS For Kiosks platform is now available for licensing.  The WSS For Kiosks software uses Microsoft Kinect and our patented WSS ...

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Augmented Reality “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms” — The Good & The Bad

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Have you seen the coverage of these  “3D Virtual Fitting Rooms”?  Thanks to the power of the Microsoft Kinect several of these hacks products have entered the market over the past few months, and they’re getting a bit of media attention (wait, here’s another one that just launched yet is claiming to be the “first”).  Because of these articles, I’ve been asked by a few people for my thoughts on these 3D Virtual Fitting Rooms, hence the ...

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Augmented Reality Is Poised To Improve Telemedicine: Orange Silicon Valley Introduces “Project DocPAL”

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The whole team here at Zugara is very excited to finally be able to tell you about an R&D project we partnered with Orange Silicon Valley on: “Project DocPAL”, an augmented reality telemedicine system that uses natural user interfaces, Interactive Voice Recording, and other innovative technologies to help improve the quality of doctor patient consultations (please see the video below).

One of the pieces of emerging technology that Project DocPAL utilizes is our proprietary ...

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