3 Guides To The Growing List of Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Companies

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With the growing list of Augmented Reality Companies and Virtual Reality Companies, 3 recent guides have tried to capture how quickly these Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality ecosystems are evolving. As investment into both AR and VR accelerates, recent Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality forecasts continue to show just how massive the AR, VR and Mixed Reality industries will be:

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Lessons Virtual Reality Startups Can Learn from the Augmented Reality Hype Cycle

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Lessons Virtual Reality Startups Can Learn from the Augmented Reality Hype Cycle


Back in 2008, AR could do no wrong. There was unbelievable hype around the technology and a growing amount of interest from just about every brand, company, and investor. Fast-forward three years and by 2011, if you were an AR company, you might as well ...

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