Augmented Reality 2.0 Will Transform Retail

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This article was originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on September 3, 2014.

Of all the new and emerging technologies to debut over the last 10 years, none has had such a swift rise and even quicker downfall through the Hype Cycle than Augmented Reality (AR). From 2008-2011, AR was all the rage in just about every brand category imaginable. But as most agencies, marketers and even AR ...

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Augmented Reality Increases Visits To Aquarium

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Augmented Reality Penguins

We always like to share Augmented Reality data we come across and this is another results-driven use of AR.  From

It is not particularly easy to locate the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo anymore. This 35-year-old facility noticed a significant drop in attendance over the last couple years, and the biggest reason for this, according ...

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Kinect Game Platform For Experiential Marketing

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Zugara now has our popular Avoid and Capture game platform available with Kinect for experiential marketing.  The Avoid and Capture game platform combines the best features of motion capture, gesture interaction and augmented reality for a unique and fun gameplay experience. Avoid and Capture gameplay includes a fast-paced “avoid” bad items and “capture” good items engine that challenges players to use motions and gestures to build their score.  An example of Avoid and Capture gameplay is featured ...

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How Does The Kinect 2 Compare To The Kinect 1?

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Microsoft recently announced that the Kinect 2 will be available for developers July 15th and a general market release later this year.  Zugara has been part of the Kinect 2 beta program since late 2013 and we can attest to the significant improvements available for the next generation Kinect 2 camera.  The biggest notable difference? The higher resolution capability of the Kinect 2 camera.  Though the Kinect 1 device is a vast improvement over regular webcams, ...

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Augmented Reality Startups and Venture Capital

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This is a recent VentureBeat OpEd from Zugara titled “Augmented Reality: Where’s the Venture Capital”

A Wall Street Journal article recently proclaimed that, “Augmented Reality Is Finally Gaining Traction.”  Though AR and similar technologies such as Gestural Control are gaining traction with brands and customers, why has AR been unable to attract major investment capital to date?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is one method to track emerging technologies and ...

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Mcommerce Only 2.4% of Total U.S. Retail Sales by 2018: How Will Mobile Influence The In-Store Retail Experience?

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eMarketer retail sales projection 2018

eMarketer recently released it’s first ever forecast for total U.S. retail and retail store sales and the results are surprising – if you’re a ‘mobile first’ advocate.  Though U.S. total retails sales are projected to grow to $5.5 trillion by 2018, mobile commerce, or mcommerce, is only set to grow to 2.4% of total retail sales ...

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